Requests are open!
Thank you for taking an interest in my reviews!
At the moment, I’m only accepting reviews from publishers. Not authors directly as too many have been sent. I don’t want to rush and upload a tacky review when I could've produced good work given enough time. However, if you're an author and think I might like your book, you're most welcome to inquire in the bottom left chat button With that being said, if the publisher is interested, please email me:

I produce honest reviews and that’s why the majority of my reviews are young adult, mystery, thriller, sci-fi, fantasy and contemporary. However, if you think I might be interested in other genres, please don’t hesitate to ask! Upon receiving the book, whether digitally or physical (since I do both), this won’t affect my opinion when writing the review.

My reviews can be viewed on my blog, Goodreads, sneak peek on social media and if there are any retail websites you’d like me to post, I can do that. Please provide a media kit with links, graphics, photos or anything else you might want in my review and or social media.

If you’re sending an ARC, I’ll post my review as soon as possible before the release date. If there’s no set date on when you’d like me to upload the review, expect an email of when I will do so. If possible, to send in a request a month or two prior to the release date so I can work it around my schedule.

I’m also open to author interviews if the author would like that and can guarantee to answer the questions. I’ve had issues in the past where I haven’t received the answers. The interview would become a separate post and I’ll use the same media kit provided.

If there’s anything else I haven’t covered or you have any queries, don’t hesitate
to ask.