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14 Easy Ways to Discover the Next Book You Can't Put Down

As a capable bookworm like myself, I am always on the hunt for new books. My TBR list is ever growing, if you follow me on Goodreads you’ll know how many books are waiting to be read and my bookstagram is full of them!


Need I say less? Nowadays, bookstores have an abundance of choices to pick from. They might have a special section for newly released books or simply ask anyone working there what you’re in the mood to read.

Airport Stores

I know it may be pricy, but if you’ve forgotten your book and are in for a long flight, then picking up a good book will surely make the flight bearable. Most of the time, airport stores won't disappoint you because they usually have the latest releases or bestselling books. If you’re early to your gate, pop by and linger for a while!

Department Stores

Okay, I’ll admit. Before I go to any official bookstore, I step into a department store and hunt down their book section. Sometimes they have the best deals when it comes to books. So, purchasing a cheap paperback maybe something daring but surprising!


Your favorite blogs like this one! If you’ve read my other posts, you’ll know I’m all about posting books. I mainly do book reviews and listicles. If you need your next read, do checkout some of my other posts!

Online Reading Platforms

I will give reading platforms like Wattpad and Inkitt a shout out mainly because I started out there as a reader, then a writer. There have been some easygoing books written by some wonderful people and you’re supporting someone’s dream!


Every time I’m on this app, I’m adding at least five books to my list. There’s so many suggestions and once the app is used to your likings, it’ll generate suggestions faster that you will fancy.


Join communities where you can simply ask someone for a suggestion or search amongst the dozens of threads where people leave their best books.

Reading Apps

If you like ebooks and audiobooks as much as I do, then you’ll notice your reading apps will throw in some suggestions based on your reading preferences.


Booktubers have the best recommendations and it’s fun to watch them gush over how amazing the book was. I highly recommend if you love watching and reading.


There are so many podcasts out there that recommend books. Nowadays there’s even according to genre! Highly recommend podcasts as they list all the books they talk about in their show notes. Listen to the podcast I host where we talk about books, movies and tv shows with Muslim characters:


With Pinterest, you can find great book recommendations based on your pins and create boards for even more suggestions.


This platform has probably been one of the first places I’ve discovered books from. Upon following multiple bookish accounts, I’ve collected a significant amount of books to add to my list.


This is a rarity, but a mentionable one. I rarely read magazines, but when I do, they always have book recommendations related to specific interests in their monthly issue. If the magazine is nationally or locally, you may also discover local or upcoming authors.


Similar to Instagram and YouTube, watching quick videos where I can find books to add to my list is a quick and accessible way to finding my next read!

There are probably a few more places you can find your next book, but that’s all from me! If you think of one, please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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